‘금보다 귀한 것은 믿음으로 순종하는것’
본문관찰과 묵상
아람왕의 군대장관 나아만은 큰 용사나 나병 환자였다. 이스라엘 소녀가 나아만 아내의 종으로 살았다. 사마리아에 있는 엘리사에게 가면 나병이 나을것이라고 했다. 아람왕이 이스라엘 왕에게 편지와 함께 은금과 의복을 보냈다. 고민하는 이스라엘왕에게 엘리사가 나아만을 보내라고 하였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
엘리사가 요단에 가서 7번 씻으라는 말에 나아만은 분노하였다. 맨발로 달려와 당처위에 손을 얹고 기도하기를 바랬다. 되돌아 가려할 때 그의 종들이 그정도도 못할까 충언하였다. 그말에 순종하여 7번씻고 그는 치유받았다. 요단보다 더 깨끗한 아바나와 바르발 강물이 효험있는 것이 아니다. 믿음으로 순종할 때 기적은 일어난다.
결단과 적용
나아만의 문제는 첫째, 교만함이었다. 내가 누군데, 네가 와서 기도하고 고쳐야지? 둘째, ‘내 생각에는’이 문제였다. 하나님을 믿지 못하고 내 생각을 믿을 때 아무런 일도 일어나지 않는다. 하나님은 믿음으로 순종할 때 강물이 아니라 그 믿음으로 고치신다. ‘할수있거든이 무슨 말이냐 믿는자에게는 능치못할일이 없느리라’(막 9:23). 금도다 귀한 믿음으로 채워주소서! 그래서 오늘도 순종하며 살게 하소서!
‘Obedience by faith is much more valuable than gold.’
II Kings. 5:1-14
Observation and meditation on the text
Naaman was the commander of the army of the king of Aram. One Israelite girl was kidnapped by Aramean soldier and served Naaman’s wife. She told her that the master would be healed if he went to Elisha. The king of Aram sent a letter with lots of silver and gold along with many sets of clothing. No sooner Elisha heard that the king of Israel was in fear of the king of Aram than Elisha told the king to send Naaman to him.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Naaman burst in anger upon hearing from Elisha to wash himself 7 times in the Jordan river. He expected Elisha to come out to meet him and wave his hand over the spot and cure him of his leprosy. When Naaman tried to return home out of anger, his servant encouraged him to do what Elisha said to him because it was such a little thing to do. Upon hearing from them, Naaman obeyed and washed himself 7 times, and he was healed. It was not Abana and Pharpar which was cleaner than Jordan for effectiveness but obedience by faith would bring about a miracle.
Decisions and applications
Naaman had problems. First, it was his pride. ‘Who do you think I am? You must have come out to meet me and heal me with your prayer.’
Second, ‘I thought,’ was the problem. Nothing would happen by what I think, rather by believing in God brings about miracles. God heals not by cleaner water but by purer obedience of faith. ‘If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes’ (Mk 9:23). Lord, fill me with such faith much more valuable than gold so that I may obey you by faith in Jesus Christ today!