‘금 보다 더 귀한 연단받은 순수한 믿음’
본문관찰과 묵상
베드로는 핍박을 피해 곳곳에 흩어져 사는 디아스포라 성도들을 위로하고 권면하였다. 주님이 다시 오실 때 그 앞에서 칭찬과 존귀와 영광을 받는 사람은 예수 그리스도를 믿는 믿음 때문에 고난당하는 자들이다. 왜? 그 고난가운데 정련된 순수한 믿음을 선물로 받기 때문이다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
용광로에서 제련된 순금보다 더 값어치 있는 것은 불 같은 환난과 핍박과 연단속에 정련된 순수한 믿음이다. 택하심을 받고 그리스도의 피 뿌림을 받고 부활의 산 소망을 가진 자들은 하나님의 능력으로 끝까지 보호하심을 받을 것이다. 썩지 않는 유업, 영혼의 구원을 받아 주님 앞에서 칭찬과 존귀와 영광을 받게 할 것이다.
결단과 적용
이 말씀이 어부였던 무식한 베드로의 나를 향한 권면의 말씀이다. 이론이 아니라 그의 삶이었다. 주님이 주시는 영적인 축복, 영혼의 구원을 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 받은자의 천국을 체험한 고백이다. 나의 형편과 처지가 흩어진 디아스포라이다. 아내도 먼저 떠나고 육신은 연약해졌지만 이것이 나를 정금같은 연단속의 순순한 믿음을 끝까지 갖게하시는 하나님의 축복임을 깨닫고 감사드린다. 오늘 세상에서 그 상급을 명예철학박사학위로 받았다. 그러나 자랑할 것은 못된다. 주님앞에서 칭찬과 존귀와 영광을 받을때까지 나의 고난속의 디아스포라 행진은 오늘도 시련속에 계속될 것이다.
‘Genuine pure faith through furnace like refinement’
I Pet 1:1-9
Observation and meditation on the text
Peter comforted and encouraged the diaspora believers who were scattered to various areas due to the persecution. He emphasized that it would be those scattered diaspora Christians who should be praised in glory and honor before Jesus Christ because they were persecuted due to their faith in Jesus Christ. Why? Because they had received a refined and smelted pure faith through furnish like process through hardship.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The much more valuable than gold which has been refined in the furnace is pure faith which has been refined and smelted through furnace like persecution and affliction. These believers who had been chosen by God and sanctified by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ and living with hope for the resurrection should be protected by God’s power until the return of Jesus Christ. They shall receive an inheritance of salvation, which would never perish nor fade away so that they may be praised by Jesus in glory and honor before Him.
Decisions and applications
This encouragements are from unlearned fisherman Peter. This prophecy is not a theory but his life. It is Peter’s personal testimony, who had enjoyed spiritual blessing, which was the salvation of his soul, which was also God’s inheritance by believing in Jesus Christ, which was heavenly kingdom experiences here on earth. Now, I live today as the same diaspora. Furthermore, since my wife left me to return the everlasting home in heaven, my suffering has been doubled mentally and spiritually. In addition to that I am suffering from physical ailments. However, now I lucidly understand that it is God’s blessings for me to keep my pure faith in Jesus Christ through furnace like refinement and smelt. Today, I was recognized by people by receiving the Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree. However, it is not worthy to be praised. Rather, I have such a hungry desire to be recognized by and before Jesus Christ to be praised in glory and honor. Therefore, my race as a suffering diaspora servant of God should be continued incessantly in the middle of multitude of sufferings.