‘오순절에 일어난 사건으로 어떤일이 시작 되었나?’
본문 관찰과 묵상
오순절에 성령이 임하였다. 신의 현현의 현상은 급하고 강한 바람처럼, 갈라지는 불의 혀처럼 임했다. 성령임재로 일어나는 본질은 변화다. 오순절에 많은 지역에서 올라온 유대인이 자기 언어로 제자들이 방언하는 것을 들었다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
유월절은 보리를 추수하는 때다. 이 때부터 50일이 지나면 밀 추수하는 오순절이다. 즉, 오순절에 임한 성령강림은 영혼추수를 위함이었다. 여러나라의 말로 복음이 선포되어 영적추수가 시작되었다. 바벨탑 사건으로 서로 알아듣지 못하던 사람들이 성령강림으로 서로 소통하기 시작하였다.
결단과 적용
오순절에 임한 성령강림으로 사람들이 하나님의 말씀을 알아들으며 모여 교회가 시작되었다. 여러민족에게 알아들을수 있는 언어로 선교가 시작되었다. 요엘의 예언이 성취되어 교회가 시작되고 선교가 시작되었다. 복음을 통한 구원의 새역사가 시작되었다. 오늘도 성령 충만한 교회는 분리대신 하나됨으로 영혼을 추수하는 선교사로 살아간다. 안디옥교회가 계속 그렇게 되리라!
‘What happened after the Pentecostal incident?’
Acts 2:1-13
Observation and meditation on the text
The Holy Spirit fell upon people on the day of Pentecost. Theophany was visible and audible in the fashion of a sound like the blowing of a violent wind, like tongues of fire that separated. The genuine essence of being filled with the Holy Spirit was transformation. Many diaspora Jews from various nations began to hear their native languages through the Spirit filled disciples of Jesus Christ.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Passover was the time to reap barley. 49 days later, the 50th day was Pentecost for the harvest of wheat. In other words, the Holy Spirit fell upon people to reap the spiritual harvest. Spirit filled people began to speak different native languages to different people. Those who could not hear nor be heard due to their pride in the towel of Babel, now began to communicate with one another by speaking what the Holy Spirit wanted to say.
Decisions and applications
When they began to understand and be understood by the Holy Spirit who fell upon the people on the day of Pentecost, they began to gather, and it became church. At the same time they began to communicate with the same language to the scattered diaspora Jews. A new history began through the good news of Jesus Christ. Even today spirit filled churches are united to reach out the lost souls by the gospel of Jesus Christ through their own native languages. As Joels’ prophecy was completed and fulfilled, churches were established, and world mission was launched on the day of Pentecost. Today a new history began for salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some spirit filled churches and people experience unity to harvest souls through the gospel of Jesus Christ as they live as missionaries. May Antioch Church be such biblical church continually!