‘은혜 받은 사람의 합당한 삶은 무엇인가?’
본문관찰과 묵상
여로보암왕이 벧엘의 산당에서 우상숭배를 할 때 이름없는 선지자가 와서 예언을 하였다. 다윗의 집에서 요시아라는 아들이 나서 여로보암의 산당이 무너질 것을 예언하였다. 왕이 손을 들어 치려할 때 그 손이 말랐다. 애원하며 하나님께 기도하여 은혜를 베풀어 낫게 해 달라고 했다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
여로보암은 하나님의 은혜로 나음 받았으면 당연히 하나님앞에 회개하고 우상을 부셔야 했다. 그러나 그는 하나님의 사람에게 선물을 줄테니 집으로 오라고 초청하였다. 나음을 받은 여로보암의 반응이 나의 반응은 아닌가?
결단과 적용
내가 하나님의 은혜로 몇 번이나 중병에서 나음을 받았다. 지금도 온 몸이 골병이 들었으나 점점 회복되고 있다. 그렇게 하나님의 은혜를 받았으면 나 자신을 하나님께 드려야 한다. 사람에게 선물을 주는 것으로 되지 않는다. 하나님의 사람은 절대 왕의 집에 가지도, 선물을 받지도 않고 다른길로 돌아갔다. 내가 하나님의 은혜의 도구가 되어도 사람들의 선물을 받지않고 오직 하나님께만 영광을 돌려 나를 주님께 산 제물로 드리며 살리라!
‘What could be the proper life for the blessed one?’
I Kings 13:1-10
Observation and meditation on the text
When king Jeroboam worshiped idols at the high place in Bethel, an unknown prophet came to him and prophesied. Someday a son named Josiah would be born in the house of David, and he would destroy the altar and high places. When Jeroboam stretched his hand and ordered the attendants to seize him, his hand shriveled up. He begged the man to intercede with God and pray for him to be healed by God’s grace.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
When Jeroboam was healed by the grace of God, he should have destroyed the altar at the high place with his repentance to God. However, instead of giving glory to God, he invited the man to come to his home so that he could give gifts to him. Isn’t it my response to God’s grace like Jeroboam’s response after being healed by God?
Decisions and applications
By God’s grace I have been healed from very critical illnesses several times. And even nowadays I am suffering a lot from physical weaknesses, but I am getting better slowly but surely by God’s grace. Since I have been blessed by God’s grace, I know that I must present myself as a living sacrifice to the Lord. It is not enough for me to express thanks to any people who have helped me. The unknown man of God neither went to the king’s place nor receiving any gift from him. And he went back home by another route. Therefore, I will live like him by neither receiving any gift from people who might have helped me nor visiting their homes. And I will return to God by another route. Even though I am privileged to become a tool of God by receiving God’s grace, I will never work for people’s gifts. Rather, I will offer myself as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God so that I may keep on glorifying the Lord only.