‘쓴뿌리를 제거해야 삶이 견고해진다.’
본문관찰과 묵상
시므이는 베냐민 지파 사람으로 사울과 같은 집안사람이었다. 반역자 압살롬편에서 다윗을 비난 저주했었다 (삼하 16:5-8). 솔로몬은 그를 예루살렘에 연금시켰다. 그의 종 2명이 가드로 도망가자 그들을 찾기위해 솔로몬과의 약속을 어겼다. 군대장관 브나야에게 죽임당하였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
다윗때부터의 쓴 뿌리였던 시므이는 첫째, 지역감정으로 동향 사울편에서 다윗을 거스렸다. 둘째, 반역자 압살롬편에 섰던 쓴 뿌리였다. 셋째, 도망간 2명의 종을 잃지 않으려 하다 솔로몬과의 약속을 버렸다. 결국 그는 그의 생명을 잃었다.
결단과 적용
시므이는 공의와 정의를 버리고 사사로운 유익함의 편에 서서 하나님의 뜻을 거스리다가 망했다. 솔로몬은 다윗때부터 쓴 뿌리 역할을 하였던 시므리를 죽임으로 그의 나라를 견고히 세웠다. 사사로운 이익보다 하나님의 뜻대로 쓴 뿌리를 제거하라. 공의와 정의편에서 살리라. 견고하리라!
‘Life shall be firmly established if I get rid of bitter root.’
I Kings 2:36-46
Observation and meditation on the text
Shimei was from the tribe of Benjamin like the king Saul. He betrayed the new king David as he stood by Absalom when the prince revolted against David (II Sam. 16:5-8). Solomon had him house arrest in Jerusalem. When 2 of his servants fled from him Shimei violated the law by going out of Jerusalem to search for the servants. Solomon had Benaiah the army commander strike him.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Shimei who used to step on the nerve of David commit sins. First, he revolted against David by standing by Saul who was from the same clan. Second, he revolted against David when he was standing by the betrayer Absalom. Third, in order not to lose his two slaves, he lost his credentials by breaking his oath with Solomon. After all, he lost his life by his own deeds.
Decisions and applications
Shimei destroyed himself by revolting against God’s will when he was being driven by his selfishness as he deserted justice and righteousness. Solomon on the other hand established his kingdom firmly by getting rid of the bitter root Shimei. I am also challenged and motivated to get rid of my selfish motives. Rather, I shall stand by God’s justice and righteousness. I am sure then, my life shall be established strongly and firmly.