‘십자가 없는 부활은 없다’
본문 관찰과 묵상
구세주 그리스도는 십자가에 못박혔다. 스스로 기도하신후에 택하신 길이다. 온갖 조롱과 희롱을 당하셨다. 12시부터 오후 3시까지 온땅에 어둠이 임했고 예수님 철저히 버림받고 운명하셨다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
성소와 지성소를 나누고 있던 휘장이 찢어져 드디어 죄인들이 하나님께 나갈 새로운 살길을 여셨다(히 10:20). 잠자던 영혼들이 부활해 많은 사람에게 보였다. 죽어야 다시 산다. 십자가 없는 부활없고 부활없는 십자가 없다.
결단과 적용
아내를 캐어하는 일은 내가 죽지 않으면 도저히 할수 없다. 오늘도 아내를 긍휼이 여기는 마음으로 전심으로 섬긴다. 그렇게 똑똑하고 활발히 사모의 사명을 감당하던 아내가 쓰러지니 나도 쓰러진다. 그러나 죽으면 다시 살리라!
‘Without the cross, there is no resurrection.’
Matt. 27:35-53
Observation and meditation on the text
The Messiah Christ was crucified. It was his own choice. He was insulted and mocked. From noon until 3 pm, darkness came over all the land. Jesus was totally deserted by God and died.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The curtain which divided the holy place from the Most Holy Place was torn into two so that sinners could come to God through the new and living way. The tombs broke open and many holy people who died were raised to life. Without the cross, there is no resurrection. Without resurrection, there is no cross.
Decisions and applications
I cannot take care of my wife unless I die to myself moment by moment. And I serve her with all my heart out of empathy. I die ever day to myself after such a jubilant and active wife who brilliantly carried her call as a pastor’s wife has been getting weak. However, I believe that if I die, the Lord will raise both of us everyday by his spirit of resurrection.