‘지키심을 받은자는 그를 지켜야한다’
본문 관찰과 묵상
예수님의 형제 유다가 구원받은 성도에게 주신 말씀이다. 하나님이 사랑으로 예수를 믿음으로 구원받은 성도들은 예수 그리스도가 지켜주신다. 그러므로 예수를 믿는 믿음을 거짓된 가르침과 힘써 싸워 지켜야 한다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
가만히 들어온 이단은 구원받았으니 방종하며 살았다. 경건치 못하여 예수를 부인하였다. 출애굽후 구원받은자들이 믿음을 버려 멸망하였다. 타락한 천사들도 무저갱에 던져졌다. 소돔과 고모라의 음란은 불의 형벌을 받았다.
결단과 적용
이단은 가인의 길, 발람의 탐심의 길, 고라의 불순종의 길을 간다. 그들은 자기몸만 기르는 거짓목자, 비없는 구름, 열매 없는 가을나무, 수치의 거품을 뿜은 물결, 흑암으로 돌아갈 길이다. 예수로 구원받았으니 예수의 진리를 지켜야 한다. 경건의 능력으로 방종하며 사는 이단들이 들어오지 못하게 교회를 지켜야 한다.
‘Since Jesus kept me, I must keep him’
Jude 1:1-16
Observation and meditation on the text
It is Jesus’ brother Jude’s warning to Christians. Christians who have been saved by God’s love through faith in Jesus Christ have been protected and kept by Jesus. Therefore, Christians must fight against heretics and false teachings to keep and protect our only and sovereign Jesus Christ.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Some ungodly people have slipped into church perverted God’s grace into a license of immorality and denied Jesus Christ. However, they shall be like the delivered ancestors from Egyptian captivity but did not keep their faith. Angels who did not keep their faith were thrown into the abyss. The people in Sodom and Gomorrah were judged by eternal fire because of their sexual immorality and perversion. Even today there are the same kind of perverts who pollute churches of Jesus Christ.
Decisions and applications
These heretics and false ungodly people take the same way of Cain, Balaam’s covetousness, and Kora’s way of disobedience. They are the false shepherds who feed only themselves, clouds without rain, blown along by the wind, fruitless and uprooted autumn trees, like wild waves of the sea foaming up their shame, and take way to go to darkness like wondering stars. Therefore, since I have been saved by believing in Jesus Christ, who has protected and kept me up to now, I also must protect and keep Jesus and his teachings all the way to the end. I must protect and keep church of Christ from the perverts and immoral heretics.