‘영성이 같아야 평생 하나가 된다’
본문 관찰과 묵상
요나단은 다윗과 형제의 언약을 맺었다. 골리앗을 향해 오직 하나님만 믿고 나가는 그를 보고 자신과 같은 영성의 사람을 만나 기뻤기 때문이다. 사울은 백성들이 다윗을 자신보다 더 환호하는 것을 보고 다윗을 시기하였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
다윗과 요나단은 피를 나눈 형제보다 더 진한 형제로 끝까지 하나되었다. 사울과 요나단은 부자 지간이었지만 영성이 너무 달랐다. 사울의 영성은 사람의 인기에 우쭐거리는 것이었다. 자신보다 더 나은 사람을 용납하지 못하였다.
결단과 적용
교회안의 성도는 예수님의 영성으로 하나되어야 한다. 서로 우열을 다투었던 고린도교회가 있었고 극심한 가난과 환난가운데서 하나되어 살았던 빌립보 교회가 있었다. 안디옥교회도 예수님의 영성으로 하나될 때 다민족을 품는 초대교회중에 가장 선교적인 교회로 세워져 갔다. 그런 교회를 끝까지 세우자!
‘Unity comes from the same spirituality.’
I Sam. 18:1-9
Observation and meditation on the text
Jonathan made a covenant with David to become brothers. Jonathan was deeply moved by David who went against Goliath by faith in God as he did the same thing toward the Philistines. When Saul witnessed that people liked David much more than him, he was possessed by jealousy toward David.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
David and Jonathan became closer brothers in unity than biological brothers. Even though Jonathan was the son of the king Saul, their spirituality was different. Saul liked to be favored by the public than God. Furthermore, he could not stand at anyone who was more favored than him by God and people.
Decisions and applications
Congregants in a church should be united with the same spirituality. There was a church in Corinth, which experienced disunity among them to show off who were better than others. There was a church in Philippi where people were united as a family in the middle of extreme poverty and sufferings. The church in Antioch became the role model missional church as they were united with the spirituality of Jesus. I keep on pursuing such a missional church all the way to the end.