‘가정, 교회, 나라 공동체가 부흥하려면’
본문관찰과 묵상
백성의 지도자들에게 거룩한 열망이 있어야 공동체가 부흥한다. 저들은 율법의 말씀을 밝히 알려고(사칼)에스라에게 나와 배웠다. 초막절을 지키라는 말씀에 모든 백성이 초막을 짓고 7일 동안 절기 지키고 8일째 성회로 모였다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
공동체의 부흥은 지도자들의 거룩한 열망에서 시작된다. 그리고 깨달은 말씀을 공동체 전체가 실천할 때 영적인 부흥이 일어난다. 초막절은 출애굽후 광야에서 초막을 짓고 살았던 때를 기억하고 하나님께 감사를 드릴 때 영적부흥은 열매를 맺는다.
결단과 적용
영적부흥의 3단계를 적용한다. 첫째, 구별된 하나님의 종으로 살려는 거룩한 열망이 계속되게 하소서! 둘째, 깨달은 말씀을 나의 삶에 실제 적용하는 ‘고뇌하는 실천가’로 살게 하소서! 셋째, 항상 지난시절 광야같은 세상에 초막에서 살던때를 기억하며 평생 감사하는 자로 살게 하소서!
‘What does bring about the revival in a community?’
Ne 8:13-18
Observation and meditation on the text
The revival of the Jewish community in Jerusalem began with the holy desire among the leaders. They had a great desire to know God’s words in depth(Heb:shacal) from Ezra. They were awakened to keep the Festival of Tabernacles(Ingatherings) at the 7th month for 7days, and they were ordered to gather together as an assembly.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The revival of any community begins with the leaders’ holy desire to live up to the words of God. And the revival is being experienced when the community practices what they learn. The revival bears fruit when the community remembers how God took care of them while they were living in the tents temporarily in the wilderness and give thanks to God at the 8th day of assembly meeting. The fruit of revival is thanksgiving.
Decisions and applications
Therefore, I apply what I learn through my QT today as the 3 steps of community revival. First, Lord please help me not to quench for my holy desire to live a consecrated life as a servant of God. Second, Lord please strengthen me to live as a ‘reflective practitioner’ as I try to live up to what I learn and realize. Third, Lord please empower me so that I may offer my thanksgiving to you every day as I remember those days of sufferings in my own tent life temporarily in the wilderness when you helped me all the time.