‘높임받을수록 더욱 낮아져라’
본문 관찰과 묵상
비시디아 안디옥에서 쫒겨난 1차 선교팀은 이고니온으로 가서 복음을 전했다. 두사도를 핍박하는자와 따르는 자로 나뉘었다. 돌로 치려할 때 루스드라고 도망했다. 나면서 앉은뱅이 된 사람을 고쳤다. 사람들이 신으로 모시려고 바나바는 제우스, 바울은 헤르메스라 부르며 제사를 올리려 했다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
두 사도가 만류하였다. 자신들도 인간이지 신이 아니라 했다. 나의 삶에서 기적이 나타나고 사람들이 존경하고 높여줄 때 조심하라는 음성을 듣는다. 많은때 나도 우쭐 할 때가 있었다. 사역이 잘 될 때 더 낮아져라!
결단과 적용
앞으로 남은 인생은 내려가는 삶을 살리라. 젊었을 때 참 많이 뛰었다. 칭찬도 많이 받았다. 업적도 많이 쌓았다. 그러나 지금 뒤돌아 보면 다 하나님이 하신 것들이다. 남은 인생 더욱 낮아져 섬기면서 살리라!
‘The more you are respected, the more you humble yourself.’
Acts 14:1-18
Observation and meditation on the text
When they were expelled from Pisidian Antioch, the first mission team went to Iconium and preached the gospel there. The whole city was divided into two groups; one persecuted them, the other followed them. When they were about to be stoned to death, they fled to Lystra. They healed a lame who was born unable to walk from his birth. People were amazed and they tried to worship Paul and Barnabas as they called Barnabas Zeus and Hermes for Paul by offering sacrifice for them.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The two apostles dissuaded the people. They lucidly told them that they were humans like them, not gods. I hear the voice of the Lord that I must humble myself when people lift me up and commend. Sometimes, yes, I was haughty. The more I see the fruits in my ministries, I must extremely careful not to boast of me.
Decisions and applications
I will ‘practice downward mobility,’ for the rest of my ministries. In retrospect, yes, it is true that I was such a diligent and industrious servant of God. I was commended a lot by many, and I have attained a lot of monumental achievement. However, it was not me but God who did it through me. Therefore, for the rest of my ministries, I will practice ‘downward mobility’ for everybody.