‘예수님의 못박히심에 동참하라!’
본문 관찰과 묵상
목요일 정오에 빌라도는 유대인에게 ‘너희 왕’을 못박으랴고 물었다. 유대인 지도자들은 자신들은 가이사외에 왕이 없다 하여 예수를 내주었다. 아담의 해골이 묻혔다는 골고다에 다른 2죄수와 함께 못박히셨다. ‘나사렛예수 유대인의 왕’이라고 히브리어, 로마어, 헬라어로 쓴 패를 붙였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
진실은 진리를 아는 자들을 통하여 선포되지 않았다. 변질된 사람들에 의하여 진실이 선포되었다. 빌라도는 정치적 선택으로 변질되었다. 유대인들은 종교적 이유로 변질되었다. 오늘 나는 경제적으로 변질되는가? ‘자칭 유대인의 왕’으로 쓰라는 말에 빌라도는‘내가 쓸 것을 썼다’고 했다.
결단과 적용
‘예수님의 못박힘에 동참하라’는 초청이다. 즉, 못박는 사람들은 다 변질된 사람들이다. 못 박히는 사람이 진실된 사람이라는 선포이다. ‘너 자신을 부인하고 네 십자가를 지고 나를 따르라’(마 16:24, 막 8:34, 눅 9:23). 오늘도 변질된 사람들이 진실된 사람들을 십자가에 못박는다. 예수와 함께 못박히자. 나를 통하여 진리는 선포될 것이다.
‘Participate in Jesus’ crucifixion’
John. 19:14-22
Observation and meditation
At noon on the Thursday Pilate asked the Jews whether they wanted to crucify ‘the king of the Jews,’ who was Jesus or not. When they replied to Pilate that they did not have no king but Caesar, Pilate handed Jesus over to the soldiers to be crucified. Jesus was crucified along with 2 criminals at ‘Golgotha’ in Aramaic, which was called Scull, which was believed the burial place of Adam. Pilate put a notice fastened to the cross which was read ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews’ in Aramaic, Latin and Greek.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Truth was never declared by those who knew the truth. Rather, it was proclaimed by the corrupted people. Pilate corrupted himself for political reason. The Jewish leaders corrupted themselves for their religious reason. How about me? Am I corrupting myself due to financial reason? When Pilate was asked to write a notice which should be read that Jesus claimed that he was the king of the Jews, Pilate answered, ‘What I have written, I have written’
Decisions and applications
This message is an invitation for me to crucify myself with Jesus. In other words, they were all corrupted people who crucified Jesus. It is the message that only a trustworthy person would crucify themselves with Jesus. ‘If you want to follow me, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me’ (Matt.16:24, Mk. 8:34, Lk. 9:23). Today spiritually corrupted people crucify spiritually trustworthy people. I want to be crucified with Jesus. Then, Jesus shall be declared through me.