‘예수님의 섬기심에 동참하라!’
본문 관찰과 묵상
예수님이 제자들의 발을 씻기셨다. 베드로는 거부하였다. 예수님은 그가 예수님으로부터 발을 씻김받지 않으면 예수님과 상관이 없다고 하셨다. 손과 머리도 다 닦아달라고 하자 목욕한 자는 발만 씻으면 된다고 하셨다. 씻어주신 이유는 제자들도 서로가 발을 씻어 주라고 본을 보였다고 하셨다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
발을 씻어주는 것은 유대인의 풍습이었다. 광야의 모래땅을 다니는 발은 금방 더러워졌다. 손님이 오시면 발부터 씻어주었다. 섬김의 모습이었다. 그러나 그 섬김은 물로 더러운 발을 씻듯이 죄를 서로 씻어주라는 멧세지 였다. 나는 주가 나를 용서하신 것 같이 다른 사람의 죄도 용서하는가?
결단과 적용
7번 용서하면 되느냐고 베드로가 예수님께 물으셨을 때 예수님은 7번씩 70번이라도 용서하라고 하셨다. 내가 오늘 여기까지 사는동안 수많은 사람들의 수많은 용서를 받고 왔다. 그 수많은 용서받음으로 다른 수많은 사람들을 용서하며 살겠다. 진정한 섬김은 용서다. ‘인자가 온 것은 섬김을 받으려 함이 아니라 도리어 섬기려 하고 자기 목숨을 많은 사람의 대속물로 주려 함이니라’(마 20:28). 오늘도 용서하며 산다. 그것이 섬김이다.
‘Participate in the service of Jesus’
John. 13:3-15
Observation and meditation
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Peter rejected. Jesus told him that he would not have anything to do with Jesus unless he was washed by Jesus. Peter asked Jesus to wash his head and hands. However, Jesus told him that those who had a bath needed only to wash their feet. Jesus told them he washed their feet so that they would also practice washing their feet for another.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
It was Jewish custom to wash their guest’s feet. Since they were living in the dried land in the wilderness, it was their feet which became unclean immediately. Therefore, when they had a guest, the first thing they did was to wash the guest’s feet. It was an epitome of service. However, it was Jesus’ message to his disciples that as they served others by washing their feet, they were also called to wash the dirtiness of sins for another by forgiving them. Do I forgive others who transgressed against me as Jesus Christ has forgiven me?
Decisions and applications
When Peter asked Jesus a question that how many times he should forgive others, whether 7 times would be enough Jesus answered him that he should forgive seventy-seven times. Up to now I have been forgiven by so many people. Therefore, I will forgive others as much as I have been forgiven. The true service for people is forgiveness. ‘The Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many’ (Matt. 20:28). I forgive someone today, which is my service to that person.