‘맡겨주신 사명에 전심을 다하라!’
본문 관찰과 묵상
예수님은 비유를 통하여 누가 천국이 언제 임하는가를 가르쳤다. 왕위를 받으려 멀리 떠난 귀인이 10종에게 한 므나씩을 주고 장사하라고 했다. 왕이 되어 돌아와 가진 것으로 남긴 종에게는 상을 주고 남기지 않은 자는 가지고 있던 것을 뺏겼다. 왕이 되는 것을 싫어한 종들은 죽임을 당하였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
천국은 언제 임하는가? 왕이신 주님이 재림하실 때 맡겨주신 사명을 잘 감당하여 천국을 확장시킨자에게 임한다. 천국복음을 전하지 않은자 는 가지고 있던 것도 뺏겼다. 많이 가진자에게 주었다. 재림하시는 예수님을 왕으로 인정하지 않는자는 천국을 살지 못한다. 즉, 구원받지 못한다.
결단과 적용
예수님 당시 예수님을 따르던 제자들도 예수님이 예루살렘에 가시면 즉시 로마를 물리치고 천국을 이 땅에 세울줄 기대하였다. 그들에게 예수님은 천국은 천국 복음을 전하여 열매 맺는 자들에게 예수님의 재림 때에 이루어진다고 비유를 통하여 가르치셨다. 전하지 않고 열매맺지 못하면 받은바 은혜, 즉 신뢰받았던 것도 다 빼앗긴다. 오늘도 나는 맡겨주신 사명에 열매 맺으려고 전심을 다하여 순종한다. 나도 상급 받을 것을 확신한다.
‘Do your best on God’s given mission’
Lk. 19:11-27
Observation and meditation
Jesus added a parable to teach his disciples to understand when the kingdom of God would be established on earth. A noble man left home to be appointed as a king and then to return. As he left home, he gave one mina to his 10 servants. When he returned home as a king, he gave rewards to those who earned more with one mina. However, the king took one mina from a servant who did not earn at all, and he gave it to the one who earned. The king killed those who did not want to see him to be a king.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
When shall I experience the realized kingdom of God in my life? If I carry God’s given mission faithfully for the expansion of the kingdom of God, I will also enjoy the kingdom of God when Jesus Christ returns. If I don’t share the gospel of Jesus Christ to lead people to be saved, then the Lord will take away what he gave to me eventually. And my portion of blessing will be given to the one who carried God’s mission faithfully. Therefore, if anyone who does not accept Jesus to be their king and disobey him, they would never experience the kingdom of God, and they should not be saved.
Decisions and applications
In Jesus’ time, his disciples expected that the kingdom of God would be realized on earth at once when Jesus Christ defeated Romans in Jerusalem. Jesus taught them through this parable that the kingdom of God would be established and realized by those who faithfully witnessed Jesus through the gospel and to bear fruits. However, if I do not share the gospel and never bear any fruit then, whatever I have received from the Lord through trustworthy relationship will be taken away. Therefore, today I do my best to carry on God’s given mission wholeheartedly to bear fruits. And my faith shall be proven by my obedience. I have an assurance that the Lord will give me awards.