‘천국보좌에서 다스리시는 어린양예수를 보라’
본문관찰과 묵상
황제숭배를 거절하여 밧모섬에 유배 되었던 요한은 보좌에 앉아 통치하시는 그리스도의 초청을 받고 열린 문을 통해 천국에 들어갔다. 보좌에 앉으신 그리스도의 모양은 보석 같았고 무지개가 보좌위에 둘려있었다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
예수 그리스도가 앉아계신 보좌를 24개의 보좌가 둘러쌓았고 그 보좌위에는 24장로들이 흰옷을 입고 머리에 금 면류관을 쓰고 앉아있었다. 이 세상을 통치하는 진정한 왕은 로마황제가 아니라 예수 그리스도 이시다.
결단과 적용
신약성경에 ‘보좌’가 62번 나오는데 그중에 47회가 요한 계시록에, 그중에 14회가 4장에서만 나온다고 한다. 천국은 초월적인 실재다. 하나님이 다스리시며 죽으시고 부활하신 예수 그리스도가 구원을 완성하셨다. 믿고 구원받은 24장로는 흰옷을 입고 금 면류관을 썼다. 나도 그 천국에 가리라. 나도 흰옷을 입고 금 면류관을 쓰고 주님 앞에 서리라. 구원을 완성하시고 오늘도 구원하시는 예수 그리스도를 증거하며 살리라!
‘Look upon the Lamb of Jesus enthroned in heaven.’
Rev. 4:1-4
Observation and meditation on the text
John the apostle who was incarcerated in the Island of Patmos because he refused to worship the Roman Emperor was invited by Jesus Christ who was enthroned in the heavenly kingdom through a door standing open. Jesus Christ looked like such jewels as jasper and ruby. And a rainbow shone like an emerald encircled the throne.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The throne on which Jesus was sitting was surrounded by 24 thrones on which 24 elders were sitting dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. The real King of kings was Jesus Christ, not the Roman Emperor.
Decisions and applications
They say that ‘the thrones’ are recorded 62 times in the New Testament;47 times in the book of Revelation, 14 times in the 4th chapter. The heavenly kingdom is reality which surpasses all our understanding. It is God who reigns over all creation, and salvation has been completed by the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those who believed in Jesus Christ were saved and dressed in white and wore the golden crowns. I shall go to the heavenly kingdom someday. I shall be dressed in white and wear golden crown on my head before the Lord. Therefore, I will boldly and lucidly witness Jesus Christ who has completed salvation and will complete it in the future too.