‘불꽃같은 눈으로 폐부를 감찰하시는 하나님’
본문관찰과 묵상
두아디라 교회는 눈에 보이는 사랑, 믿음, 섬김, 인내에는 칭찬을 받았다. 그러나 불꽃같은 눈으로 폐부를 감찰하시는 하나님은 저들이 이세벨의 행위를 따르는 우상숭배와 음행을 책망했다. 회개할 기회를 주어도 회개하지 않았다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
그래서 하나님은 철장을 가지고 저들을 다스려 질그릇 깨뜨리듯이 심판하실 것을 사도 요한은 예언하였다. 그러나 회개하고 돌이키는 남은자들은 철장으로 다스리는 권세와 새벽별인 예수 그리스도를 선물로 약속했다.
결단과 적용
이 시대의 교회도 두아디라교회 같이 산다. 겉으로는 믿음과 봉사와 섬김이 많은 것 같아도 우상을 섬기며 복을 받기 원하는 기복주의에 빠져있다. 회개할줄도 모른다. 그러나 내가 회개하고 주께 돌아왔으니 새벽별 예수 그리스도를 증거할 때 철장권세로 다스려 말씀을 선포하도록 도우소서!
‘God who searches for the heart with his blazing like eyes.’
Rev. 2:18-29
Observation and meditation on the text
The church in Thyatira was commended by Jesus for their visible love, faith, service, and perseverance. However, God who searched the heart and mind with his blazing like eyes noticed their idol worship and sexual immorality which were passed unto them by the teachings of Jezebel. Even though God gave them a chance to repent of their sins, they were unwilling.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Therefore, God prophesied through the apostle John that God would destroy them with his power of an iron scepter as God would destroy them to pieces like pottery. However, for the remnant who repented of their sins and returned to God, God would give them spiritual power to reign over the enemies with the Power of the scepter and Jesus Christ who was the morning star.
Decisions and applications
Today’s church is the picture of the Church in Thyatira. They seem to be excellent in faith, service, and servant-hood outwardly, but they have already fallen into prosperity gospel by serving idols. They refuse to repent of their sins. Since I had repented of my sins and return to God, Lord, please give me the power of your Scepter and the Morning Star, Jesus Christ so that I may continually witness my Jesus, my Lord.