‘열왕을 이겨도 만왕의 왕은 못 이긴다.’
본문관찰과 묵상
위기앞에 히스기야왕은 성전에 들어가 기도하였다. 그리고 선지자 이사야에게 사신을 보내 랍사게가 하나님을 모욕한 것을 전하였다. 이사야가 두려워하지 말라하고 예언하였다. 한 영을 산헤립왕의 속에 두어 그가 소문을 듣고 본국으로 돌아가고 하나님을 모욕했으니 거기서 죽임을 당하리라고 하였다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
랍사게가 돌아가다가 립나와 싸우고 있는 앗수르왕을 만났다. 또 구스왕 디르하가가 공격한다는 말을 듣고 히스기야를 한번 더 위협하였다. 앗수르 왕은 이미 여러나라 왕들을 이겼기에 자신을 이기지 못하리라고 하였다.
결단과 적용
하나님의 이름을 모욕한 앗수르 왕은 이미 하나님으로부터 심판을 받고 죽을 것을 예언하였다. 구스왕은 애굽왕이 다스렸고 유다를 위하여 앗수르와 싸우다 패배하였다. 그러나 앗수르왕도 큰 손실을 겪고 본국으로 돌아갔다. 열왕을 이겼어도 만왕의 왕 하나님을 누가 대적하랴. 히스기야의 기도로 유다는 다시 기사회생하였다. 나도 믿을분은 이제 사방에 주님밖에 없다. 주님만을 의지하고 주님만을 순종하며 남은 삶을 살리라. 주님이 함께 하시리라!
‘Even though one can defeat all kings, he cannot defeat the king of kings.’
II Kings. 19:1-13
Observation and meditation on the text
King Hezekiah went into the temple of God to pray when he was encountered imminent crises. And he sent his subjects to the prophet Isaiah, and they told him how Rapshakeh blasphemed God. Isaiah told them not to fear him and prophesied that when he heard a news God would make him to return home, and he would be killed there due to his sins of blasphemy.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Rapshakeh was also on his way home and met his king who was fighting against Lipna. At the same time, he heard a news that Tirhakah, the king of Cush was marching out to fight against him. And the king of Assyria threatened Judah one more time before he returned home. Since he had defeated all the kings of surrounding nations, he assured Judah that they could not beat him.
Decisions and applications
The king of Assyria, Sennacherib was already judged by God for his blasphemy. The king of Cush was also the king of Egypt, and he came to fight against Assyria for Judah, but he was defeated. At the same time, however, Sennacherib was also damaged heavily, and retreated to home. Who can fight against the king of the kings? With the king Hezekiah’s prayer, Judah was resuscitated. Now, as for me there is nothing but God whom I can rely on. Therefore, for the rest of my life, I will depend on and obey only the Lord. I am sure the Lord will be with me.