‘좋은 소문이 난 교회의 특징은 무엇인가?’
본문관찰과 묵상
바울이 제2차선교때 데살로니가에서 핍박을 받고 쫒겨났다. 실라와 디모데를 남겨두고 떠났다. 후에 디모데가 와서 교회의 상황을 보고했다. 감동한 바울이 데살로니가교회 성도들을 자랑스럽게 여기며 편지를 써보냈다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
데살로니가 교회의 소문이 마게도냐와 아가야 지방뿐만이 아니라 각처에 퍼진 이유가 있다. 믿음의 역사와 사랑의 수고와 소망의 인내가 있었던 교회였기 때문이다. 그렇게 된 이유는 복음을 듣고 변화받아 우상을 버리고 바울팀과 예수를 본받는 삶을 살았기 때문이었다.
결단과 적용
‘하나님의 나라는 말에 있는 것이 아니라 능력에 있다’ (고전 4:20). 복음이 능력이다. 복음은 말로만 임하지 않느다. 능력과 성령과 확신으로 임한다. 소문이 좋은 교회는 성도들이 우상을 섬기던 삶에서 부활하신 예수를 섬긴다. 삶이 변하여야 보이지 않는 믿음이 보여 사람들에 본이된다. 오늘도 나를 변화시켜주신 예수만 증거하며 살리라!
‘What are the characteristics of a well-known
I Thess 1:1-10
Observation and meditation on the text
When Paul preached the gospel in Thessalonica at his 2nd mission trip, he was persecuted and kicked out of the city. Paul went to Corinth and left Silas and Timothy there. Later Timothy came to Paul and reported what had become of the church in Thessalonica. Deeply moved by the report, Paul sent this letter to the Christians in Thessalonia.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
There were reasons why the church in Thessalonica was well known to other churches everywhere including in the region of Macedonia and Achaia. Their work was produced by their faith. Their labor was prompted by their love. And their endurance was inspired by hope in Jesus Christ. Their lives were transformed by hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ; they deserted idols and began to imitate Paul and the mission team members as well as Jesus Christ.
Decisions and applications
‘Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power’ (I Co 4:20). The gospel is power to bring about transformation. It is never preached by word only, but by power, the Holy Spirit and assurance. The church in Thessalonica was well known because of their transformed life; they deserted idols and began to serve the resurrected Jesus only. If my life is being transformed, then people may see my invisible faith through the visible transformed life. Therefore, I will witness Jesus only incessantly, who has transformed my entire life.