‘핍박이 가져온 3겹줄의 신앙’
본문 관찰과 묵상
사도들이 놓임받자 교회는 기도했다. 위협을 하감하사 담대히 말씀 전하고 병자를 낫게하고 표적과 기사를 간구했다. 땅이 진동함으로 응답받은 기도였다. 부활을 증언하자 모든 무리가 은혜받고 밭, 집을 팔아 가난한 자들을 섬겼다. 요셉이라는 레위족을 사도들이 ‘바나바’위로의 아들이라 별명지었다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
교회가 한 마음으로 기도함으로 핍박가운데서도 담대하였다. 부활의 멧세지를 듣고 은혜받음으로 이 땅의 것에서 자유함을 얻었다. 밭과 집을 팔아 가난한 자들을 돕는 사랑의 실천이 있었다. 바나바 같은 사람들이 나타났다.
결단과 적용
고난은 개인과 공동체를 굳건하게 만든다. 3겹줄의 신앙은 첫째, 응답받는 기도, 둘째, 부활을 믿음으로 받는 자유함의 은혜, 셋째, 이 땅의 소유로 사랑을 실천함으로 하나되는 공동체이다. 이 3가지가 순환함으로 어떤 핍박도 이기며 자유함으로 주님의 사랑을 끝까지 전파하며 살리라!
‘Persecutions brought about a cord of three strands of faith’
Acts 4:23-37
Observation and meditation on the text
Upon the release of the apostles the church began to pray. They supplicated to the Lord to empower them so that they might preach God’s words boldly, heal the patients, and perform wonders and signs. Their prayers were answered by God and their standing place was shaken. Upon hearing the message of the resurrection of Jesus, they were blessed, and they began to sell their fields and houses to meet the needs of the poor people. A Levite by the name of Joseph was nicknamed ‘Barnabas,’ by the apostles meant ‘a son of comfort’ by his exemplary sacrificial life for others.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
By praying together, the church became bold to preach the gospel. By being blessed through the message of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they were set free from worldly things. By meeting the needs of the poor, they practiced the love of Jesus. And such a great man as Barnabas was produced by the church.
Decisions and applications
Suffering solidifies both individuals and community. What was the cord of three strands of faith? First, it was prayers which got through to God to be answered. Second, it was total liberty by believing in the resurrection of Jesus. Third, it was their practicum to share the love of Jesus Christ by selling their own properties, which brought about unity in the community. Therefore, I will also practice these 3 things so that I may also overcome any persecutions with liberty to share the love of Jesus Christ with people in the world all the way to the end of my pastoral ministries.