‘죄의 권세에서 풀어주시려 빛으로 오신 예수님’
본문관찰과 묵상
예수님은 천지창조가 있기전에 선재하신 말씀, 곧 하나님이시다. 천지창조때 빛을 창조하신 빛이신 하나님이 성육신하여 예수 그리스도로 오셨다. 흑암의 권세아래 있는 자들이 빛을 깨닫지 못했다. 요한이 이 빛에 대해 말했다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
예수님은 로고스, 즉 말씀이 성육신해 오신 하나님이다. 하나님의 신성을 가지고 창조 전에 선재하셨고 만물이 그로 말미암아 창조되었다. 어둠은 빛을 몰라서 예수님을 십자가에서 죽였다. 그러나 어둠이 빛을 이기지 못했다.
결단과 적용
세례 요한은 빛으로 오신 예수님을 증거하기 위해 왔다. 그 빛으로 어둠의 권세에서 놓임받은 나는 예수님을 증거하며 산다. 여자가 낳은 자 중에 가장 큰자 세례 요한은 빛으로 오신 예수를 증거했다. 나도 예수를 증거하는 여자가 낳은 큰자로 살아간다. 예언의 영은 예수를 증거하는 영이다(계 19:10).
‘Jesus who came as light to set me free from the power of darkness of sins.’
John 1:1-8
Observation and meditation on the text
Jesus was the Word, who was God, who preexisted before the creation. God who was the Light who created light in the world was incarnated as Jesus Christ. Those who were under the power of darkness did not understand the light. John the Baptist came to witness about the Light.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Jesus Christ is God who was the Word, and the Word was incarnated. Jesus was God with divine in nature who preexisted before the creation, and all things came into being through Jesus. Darkness did not understand the Light and crucified him. However, darkness could not win over the Light.
Decisions and applications
John the Baptist came to witness Jesus Christ who came as the Light. I also witness Jesus Christ because I was set free from the power of darkness by the Light. John the Baptist was called by Jesus that he was the greatest one among those born of women because he witnessed Jesus Christ. Therefore, I live as a great one because I witness Jesus Christ too. The Spirit of prophecy is to witness Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:10).