‘활을 쏘는 자들이 화살에 맞게 하신다’
본문관찰과 묵상
다윗은 악한말로 자신을 공격하며 올무를 놓는 자들에게서 생명을 보존받기를 기도했다. 하나님이 들으시고 그들에게 활을 쏘아 화살에 상하게 하셨다. 그들의 혀가 그들을 찔렀다. 의인은 주께 피함으로 즐거워한다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
사람의 혀가 나를 찌를 때가 많다. 악한 말로 상처받을 때 주께 피하라. 내 내신 주님이 화살로 쏘아 상처내리라. 악한말로 쏜자는 자신의 혀로 화살을 맞으리라. 이를 보고 하나님을 두려워할 때 나는 즐거워하리라.
결단과 적용
한나도 브닌나의 악한말에 격동함을 받았으나 브닌나와 싸우지 않았다. 오직 하나님앞에 나가 억울함을 토로했다. 주가 나의 피난처요 산성이요 구원이시다. 오늘도 악한 말을 쏜자는 그 말로 화살에 맞는다. 하나님께 피할 때 하나님이 나의 대적을 쏘아주시리라. 사람의 말에 일희일비치 않고 나의 구원의 하나님을 오늘도 증거하며 살리라!
‘The shooters shall be shot by God’s arrow.’
Ps 64:1-10
Observation and meditation on the text
David prayed to God to protect his life when his enemies attacked and set a snare to kill him. Upon hearing his plea, God would shoot them with his arrows to strike them down. Their tongues with deadly and cruel words against David would penetrate themselves. The righteous will rejoice as they take a refuge in the Lord.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Many times I have been shot by the words of the evil. At every moment of being shot by their cruel arrow, I take a refuge in the Lord immediately. On behalf of me, the Lord will shoot them with his arrows. And the shooters shall be shot by God. Upon witnessing what God is doing, people will fear God while I am rejoicing the Lord in his arms.
Decisions and applications
When Hanna was provoked by the cruel words of Peninnah, Hanna never fought against her with her words. She went to God and pleaded God for her wounds and hurts. The Lord is my refuge, fortress and salvation. Even today those who shoot others with their cruel and merciless words, they shall be shot by God’s arrows. When I take a refuge in the Lord, God will shoot them on behalf of me. Therefore, I will not be bothered by anyone’s evil arrow, rather I will keep on preaching and witnessing my refuge, my salvation, my Lord Jesus Christ.