‘성벽 재건의 의미는 무엇인가?’
본문관찰과 묵상
성벽 재건은 3가지 중요한 의미가 있다. 첫째, 한손에 무기 한손에 도구를 들고서 52일만에 완성된 것은 하나님의 손이 함께 하셨기 때문이다. 조롱하던 사람들이 하나님을 두려워했다. 둘째, 성벽이 완성됨으로 성 안과 밖의 구분이 확실해 진 것처럼 믿는자와 불신자, 신앙과 불신앙이 구별되었다. 도비야같이 구별없이 살던 사람은 갈곳을 잃었다. 셋째, 하나님을 경외하는 하나니와 하나냐로 성의 경비를 맡겨 지켰다. 성전관리자가 성문까지 경비함으로 성전뿐 만이 아니라 예루살렘성 전체가 거룩한 성전으로 구별되었다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
나의 삶도 안과 밖이 분명해야 한다. 내가 거룩하게 구별되어 살아야 한다. 도비야처럼 이 쪽에 붙고 저 쪽에 붙는 박쥐같은 인생을 살면 않된다. 하나니와 하나냐처럼 하나님을 경외하는 자가 되어 성 전체를 보호하고 돌보는 청지기로 살라는 음성을 듣는다.
결단과 적용
도저히 이룰수 없는 일들을 내가 이루어 사람들로 말미암아 그것은 ‘하나님의 역사’라고 인정받는 삶을 살고 싶다. 52일만에 성벽재건이 이루어진 것은 사람이 할수 없는 일이다. PGM 교과서 개정판을 탈고했다. 내가 할수 없는 일이다. 이를 보는자 마다 이것은‘하나님의 역사’라고 인정받는 삶을 살리라. 내가 존경받으려 하지 않고 하나님이 나 때문에 존경받는 삶을 살게 하소서!
‘What is the meaning of the completion of the
rebuilding of the walls?’
Ne 6:15-7:4
Observation and meditation on the text
There were three important meanings in the completion of the rebuilding of the walls. First, it was possible for them to complete their goals within 52 days because volunteers held weapons on one hand, and tools on the other hand to rebuild the walls with the help of God’s hands. Upon completion the mockers were filled with fear of God. Second, as the completed walls differentiated people who were in the city from those out of the city clearly, the believers were differentiated from the unbelievers, the faithful from the unfaithful. A hypocritical person like Tobiah lost his leg on which he could stand. Third, on the contrary, such God-fearers as Hanani and Hananiah were entrusted by Nehemiah to be in charge of the guarding the entire city. As those who served in the temple of God began to protect the walls of the city, the completion of the rebuilding of the walls was so meaningful because the meaning of living in the temple was expanded to living in the city too.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
I must live a lucid life whether I live in the Lord or out of the Lord. I must be consecrated by differentiating myself from those who don’t believe in God. I cannot live a life like a bat, Tobiah who are living with double standards not for God nor for the community but for himself. I will live as a God-fearer like Hanani and Hananiah(nurse) to live as a faithful guard and steward for the entire community including God’s temple.
Decisions and applications
I want to live such a life like Nehemiah who lived as God’s instrument as people recognized whatever Nehemiah and his people did was done by God’s. It was impossible for people to complete the rebuilding of the destroyed walls within such a short period of time 52days. I just have completed the revised version of PGM textbook. It is beyond my ability. Therefore, I will live such a life that whatever I may have achieved, let people may declare that it is done by God’s help. I will live not to be honored by people but let God be honored by people through what I am doing.