‘복음의 동역자들에게 주시는 축복’
본문 관찰과 묵상
빌립보 교회는 가난했지만 사도바울의 선교에 동역하였다. 바울 자신이 풍족하여 복음전할수 있었음을 감사했다. 참여한 자들에게는 하나님이 그들이 쓸 것을 채워주신다. 그리고 주님의 은혜가 항상 심령에 넘친다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
나의 쓸 것을 절제하고 영혼을 구령하는 선교에 헌신하면 하나님은 나의 쓸 것을 공급하신다. 돈이 많다고 헌신할수 있는 것이 아니다. 가난해도 은혜가 있으면 은혜의 힘으로 한다. 내것을 줄수록 나의 심령에 은혜가 넘친다.
결단과 적용
‘주는 것이 받는 것 보다 복이있다’(행 20:35). ‘주라 그리하면 후히 되어 누르고 흔들어 넘치도록 하여 너희에게 안겨주리라’(눅 6:38). 예수님의 삶은 주는 삶이었다. 나도 끝까지 줌으로 채움받는 삶을 살리라.
‘Blessings for the participants in witnessing Jesus’
Phil. 4:14-23
Observation and meditation on the text
The church in Philippi was poor but they participated in Paul’s mission by supporting him. Paul expressed his gratitude that he could witness Jesus Christ without lacking of anything. And he encouraged them that the Lord would meet their needs according to riches of his glory in Christ. Therefore, the grace of the Lord would be with their spirit.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
God never fails to meet my needs if I meet the needs of the lost souls by participating in God’s mission through my offerings. All the rich people are not automatically sacrificing their money without God’s grace. Even though I am poor, it is God’s grace which is the driving force for me to participate in it. The more I give, the more God’s grace fills my spirit.
Decisions and applications
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts.20:35). ‘Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap’ (Lk.6:38). The life of Jesus was the giving life. Therefore, I will follow Jesus by giving all my resources to meet the needs of the lost souls so that the Lord may meet my needs.