‘쉴 줄 아는 자가 타인도 쉬게한다’
본문관찰과 묵상
전도후 돌아온 제자들과 예수님은 한적한 곳으로 쉬러가셨다. 그러나 무리들은 목자없는 양 같아 쉼을 몰랐다. 저물 때 제자들이 저들도 마을로 가서 먹고 쉬게 하자고 했다. 예수님은 제자들이 쉼을 주라고 했다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
제자들은 2백 데나리온이나 드는 일을 할수 없다고 했다. 예수님을 저들이 가진 보리떡 5개와 물고기 2마리를 축사하시고 무리를 먹이셨다. 남자만 5천명 이상 먹고 남은 것이 12 바구니에 차고 넘쳤다.
결단과 적용
나는 예수님처럼 쉼을 주는 목자가 되라고 부르심을 받았다. 그런데 내가 잘 쉬지를 못했다. 성도들도 너무 바빳다. 내가 쉼을 쉬고 회복받을 때 목자의 사명을 잘 감당한다. 남은 것으로 이스라엘 12 지파에게 쉼을 줄 수 있다. 오늘도 내가 쉼을 통하여 회복하여 다른 사람들에게 쉼을 주면서 살리라!
‘What could be the way for the righteousness?’
Mk 6:14-29
Observation and meditation on the text
When people saw Jesus’ performing miracles, some said he must be Elijah, other said he must be another prophet. King Herod said, John the Baptist whom he beheaded must be raised from the dead. It was the John the Baptist who challenged King Herod that it was unlawful for him to take his brother Philip’s wife Herodia. Herodia wanted to kill John the Baptist, but King Herod incarcerated him out of fear of him because he thought John was a righteous one.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Herodia’s daughter was favored by King Herod when she pleased him by dancing at the banquet. King Herod promised Salome to give whatever she asked him her wishes. Salome asked her mother Herodia what she should ask for King Herod. And Herodia told her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist. Both mother and daughter were wicked. The wickedness of the contemporary world also murders the righteous.
Decisions and applications
When authority is given to people, they are divided into two groups. First, the righteous use authority to restore the life of broken people. Second, the wicked use it to destroy people. Throughout human history the wicked keep on destroying the righteous. The righteous are destined to die. Both John the Baptist and Jesus took the way of the righteous. I will take the same way too.