‘두려워 하지 말고 믿기만 하라!’
본문관찰과 묵상
예수님을 움직이게 만드는 사람은 무리가 아니라 고침받고 구원받기 원하는 한 사람이다. 회당장 야이로가 자신의 12살된 딸 을 살려달라는 간구에 예수님은 움직이셨다. 가는 길에 12년 동안 혈루증을 앓아 부정한 여인 취급을 받았던 여인이 병이 낫고 싶어 예수님의 옷에 믿음으로 손을 대었다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
혈루증을 앓았던 여인이 고침을 받았다. 회당장 야이로의 집에 갔을 때 12살된 딸은 이미 죽었고 사람들은 통곡하고 있었다. 예수님은 회당장에게 ‘두려워말고 믿기만 하라’고 하시고 ‘달리다굼’소녀야 일어나라 말씀에 소녀가 일어나 걸었다. 12살된 딸과 12년 앓던 여인이나 믿음으로 나음 받았다.
결단과 적용
나는 죽은자도 살리시는 예수님을 믿는가? 나는 예수님의 옷만 만져도 내가 나을것이라는 믿음이 있는가? 죽은 딸을 잔다고 하시고 두려워말고 믿기만 하라는 주님의 말씀이 나는 믿어지는가? 예수님을 믿으면 기적이 일어난다. 24살 때 집을 떠나 70이 될 때까지 숱한 기적은 믿음의 열매임을 안다. 나의 앞길을 두려워말고 믿음으로 전진하여 나아가리라!
‘Never be afraid! Just Believe in Jesus’
Mk 5:21-43
Observation and meditation on the text
What caused Jesus to move around was not the crowd but a person who sought for healing to be saved. Jesus moved when a synagogue leader Jairus asked him to save his 12 years old daughter. On his way to her, Jesus was touched by a woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years and treated as an unclean person, who had clean faith enough to touch Jesus’ clothes to be healed.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The woman was healed. When Jesus arrived at the synagogue leader Jairus’ house, his 12 years old daughter was dead, and people were crying and wailing loudly. Jesus said to Jarius, ’Don’t be afraid, but just believe,’ and spoke to the girl, ‘Talitha koum,’ meant ‘Little girl, I say to you get up!’ She stood up immediately and began to walk around. Both 12 years old girl, and a woman who suffered for 12 years were healed by their faith.
Decisions and applications
Do I believe in Jesus who can raise up a dead person? Do I have faith that I shall be healed if I just touch the clothes of Jesus? Do I believe in Jesus’ word which tells me not to be afraid but to believe in Jesus who considers the dead girl is sleeping? Yes, miracles are still happening when I believe in Jesus. For the last 46 years since I left home up to now as a 70-year-old man I have experienced numerous miracles which are the fruits of my faith in Jesus. Therefore, instead of shrinking out of fear for my future, I shall keep on marching forward by faith in Jesus!