‘하나님을 경외하는 아내와 결혼하라!’
본문관찰과 묵상
하나님을 경외하는 여인은 보석보다 귀하여. 첫째, 남편과 가족에 선을 행한다. 부지런히 가족을 돌본다. 둘째, 부지런히 맡은바 일을 감당한다. 셋째, 집안의 종들과 가난한 자들을 돌본다. 넷째, 남편이 리더되게 섬긴다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
아무리 아내가 똑똑하여도 하나님을 경외하지 않으면 지혜가 없어 남편과 가족과 주변의 가난한 사람들을 말씀대로 잘 섬기지 못한다. 하나님을 경외하는 아내는 말씀대로 섬기고 남편이 리더가 되도록 내조한다.
결단과 적용
내가 결혼을 잘 한 것은 할아버지의 유언적인 말씀 때문이었다. 너는 집안의 장손이니 결혼할 때 적어도 3대는 믿음의 집안의 딸과 결혼하라고 하셨다. 아내는 성경대로 섬겼다. 부지런하고 어려운 사람들을 보살폈다. 지금은 육신이 약해졌다. 주님을 사랑하고 나를 평생 섬긴 아내를 남은 삶동안 나도 그렇게 섬기리라!
‘Marry to a wife who fears the Lord!’
Pr. 31:10-31
Observation and meditation on the text
A wife who fears the Lord is worth far more than any jewels. First, she does good to her husband and family. She diligently takes care of her family. Second, she works very hard for house chores and business. Third, she tenderly takes care of the poor as well as her household servants. Fourth, she makes her husband become a leader in the community.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
A wife who may be very smart on her own without fearing of God cannot serve her husband, family members, and people around her in accordance with the word of God. A wife who fears the Lord serve her husband according to God’s word enough to make her husband become a leader.
Decisions and applications
I made a right decision to get married to my wife because my grandfather gave me his last will that I must get married to someone who should be a recipient of faith in God at least for t least 3 generations because I was the first-born son in the family. My wife served me and church members and people around us according to the teaching of Jesus. She worked very hard as a pastor’s wife all the way to the end. As a result, she is suffering from a physical ailment. In turn, I will take care of her as much as she has done for me for the rest of my life.